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The King James Bible ( Old & New )

The Lord's Prayer In Hmong

Tom qab no ncees yog li ntawd thov Vajtswv pab nej: Peb Leej Txiv uas kos duab nyob rau saum ntuj ceeb tsheej, Hallowed yuav tuav koj lub npe.
10 Koj lub nceeg vaj tuaj. Koj yuav tau ua nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no, raws li nws yog nyob rau saum ntuj ceeb tsheej.
11 Muab peb hnub no peb txhua hnub qhob cij.
12 Thiab zam txim rau peb peb cov nuj nqi ntau dhau, raws li peb zam txim rau peb debtors.
13 Thiab ua rau peb tsis rau tej kev ntxias, tiam sis xa peb tawm ntawm qhov phem: Kev cia yog lub nceeg vaj, thiab lub hwj chim, thiab lub yeeb koob, rau puas tau. Amees.

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